Saturday, November 8, 2008

moved from wordpress

Posted by Unknown at 12:28 AM
i've been using wordpress for almost 3years now..
but it's time for a change...
like Obama said, a change has come...=p
so, i'm moving from wordpress to blogspot..
this is the link to my old blog..
actually it's in my blog list..just click it..
there's a lot of stories on wordpress...
it's hard to just leave it like that...
i guess i'll update it from time to time...
i'm holding u responsible for me changing to a new blog..
let see what blogspot can do, shall we ?


Anonymous said...

susahnye nak mnaip pki pda ni..btw,asal setoet je story psl ak?ak ingatkan ko nk wat aku nye biography..hee

Unknown on November 8, 2008 at 1:20 AM said...

nk wat biography tunggu kau tue nnt..
aku tulis biography psl kau dan kisah hidup kau...

Anonymous said...

laaa..watnyer pndah...huhu
xde r ak mmber pkai wordpress lg..
aa pasal lgu tuh..ak pon xtau r..
pnat dah ak mncube tp still xbrjayer..sdey~

Unknown on November 8, 2008 at 11:14 AM said...

marilah pindah sarah..

saRaHiyLiA on November 9, 2008 at 2:44 PM said...

kamoo bersalah kerna wat ak brpndah jgak!!!..wahaha xmemasal~..ei nape letak menatang len je ak tgk

Anonymous said...

aku xkira!!!
aku nak entry pasal aku jgk!!!!
(guling2 kat lantai,merajuk)

sarah,welcome to the bitch club,eh silap,welcome to the blogspot clob..muahahahahaa~~

Saturday, November 8, 2008

moved from wordpress

i've been using wordpress for almost 3years now..
but it's time for a change...
like Obama said, a change has come...=p
so, i'm moving from wordpress to blogspot..
this is the link to my old blog..
actually it's in my blog list..just click it..
there's a lot of stories on wordpress...
it's hard to just leave it like that...
i guess i'll update it from time to time...
i'm holding u responsible for me changing to a new blog..
let see what blogspot can do, shall we ?

6 comments on "moved from wordpress"

Anonymous said...

susahnye nak mnaip pki pda ni..btw,asal setoet je story psl ak?ak ingatkan ko nk wat aku nye biography..hee

Unknown on November 8, 2008 at 1:20 AM said...

nk wat biography tunggu kau tue nnt..
aku tulis biography psl kau dan kisah hidup kau...

Anonymous said...

laaa..watnyer pndah...huhu
xde r ak mmber pkai wordpress lg..
aa pasal lgu tuh..ak pon xtau r..
pnat dah ak mncube tp still xbrjayer..sdey~

Unknown on November 8, 2008 at 11:14 AM said...

marilah pindah sarah..

saRaHiyLiA on November 9, 2008 at 2:44 PM said...

kamoo bersalah kerna wat ak brpndah jgak!!!..wahaha xmemasal~..ei nape letak menatang len je ak tgk

Anonymous said...

aku xkira!!!
aku nak entry pasal aku jgk!!!!
(guling2 kat lantai,merajuk)

sarah,welcome to the bitch club,eh silap,welcome to the blogspot clob..muahahahahaa~~


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