Sunday, July 26, 2009

sedih dan serba salah

Posted by Unknown at 3:58 AM

have you ever been in a position where you felt terribly responsible for what happened ?
i have..n the feeling's not that great...
because of it, i was in tears in front of unexpected people....
now evryone knows the weak side of me...
even though evrything was just a misunderstanding..
i still couldn't stand seeing my friends being blamed for something that i might have done wrong...
i dont think i've done anything wrong,
but, if i was wrong, then im deeply sorry..
for the troublesome that i have caused...
im just a human like evrybody else...
and i cant run from making mistakes~


♪ cik katak ♪ on July 26, 2009 at 7:43 AM said...

chill young lady...~
everything happen ada sbbnya..~ anggaplah itu pengajaran...~ pengajaran mematangkan hidup..~ at least kamu sedar beratnya amanah yg diberi..~

saRaHiyLiA on July 26, 2009 at 7:51 AM said...

relax okei...
life is continous learning experience..
stiap ari mcm2 mnde bru kter bljar~

aisha on July 30, 2009 at 5:30 AM said...

yup correct2..btul pe dierg ckp 2..

its nt like d end of d world. tings happened..wlau besa mne u tink ur mistakes are..just mntak maaf je kat kwn2 yg trlibat..n explain la pe yg ptut. dierg sure pham n confirm u'll feel better:)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

sedih dan serba salah

have you ever been in a position where you felt terribly responsible for what happened ?
i have..n the feeling's not that great...
because of it, i was in tears in front of unexpected people....
now evryone knows the weak side of me...
even though evrything was just a misunderstanding..
i still couldn't stand seeing my friends being blamed for something that i might have done wrong...
i dont think i've done anything wrong,
but, if i was wrong, then im deeply sorry..
for the troublesome that i have caused...
im just a human like evrybody else...
and i cant run from making mistakes~

3 comments on "sedih dan serba salah"

♪ cik katak ♪ on July 26, 2009 at 7:43 AM said...

chill young lady...~
everything happen ada sbbnya..~ anggaplah itu pengajaran...~ pengajaran mematangkan hidup..~ at least kamu sedar beratnya amanah yg diberi..~

saRaHiyLiA on July 26, 2009 at 7:51 AM said...

relax okei...
life is continous learning experience..
stiap ari mcm2 mnde bru kter bljar~

aisha on July 30, 2009 at 5:30 AM said...

yup correct2..btul pe dierg ckp 2..

its nt like d end of d world. tings happened..wlau besa mne u tink ur mistakes are..just mntak maaf je kat kwn2 yg trlibat..n explain la pe yg ptut. dierg sure pham n confirm u'll feel better:)


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