Monday, January 25, 2010

Simposium Media & Perpaduan

Posted by Unknown at 11:40 AM
supertired !!
just got back from KL
arrived at USM at 2 in the morning
i have lab this morning somewhere around 9AM
but don't feel like sleeping
went to a seminar at Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Simposium Media & Perpaduan aka Media & Unity Symposium
it's a one day seminar attended by students from other institutions and government officers from various sectors esp the media 
the seminar was largely focused on the freedom of speech and information
humm, the debate whether or not malaysians should be given complete freedom of speech has been going on for quite a while now
to me, i don't think we are ready for it
to be given complete freedom of speech is something kinda heavy
imagine if the citizens have the freedom to write and say anything they want without considering the feelings of others?
chaos perhaps??
definitely chaos
we lived in a diverse population
comprised of people from different skin colors, religions, race, etc.
yes, the public deserves the right to be accurately informed and they are entitled to their own opinions
but sensitive remarks can cause more than chaos
take the recent issue regarding the Kalimah Allah
people are throwing petrol bombs at one another now
imagine if the freedom of speech is given completely?
i think petrol bombs will be the least that could happen
far greater and devastating incidents will occur
there will always be fundamentalists
every religions have their own fundamentalist or fanatics should i say whether they want it or not
not just religions, even races
we are living in a brave new world
people have change from one generation to the next
their mindsets no longer remains the same


oh, on Sunday when we were on our way to KL
our bus broke down
for 4hours we waited for the next bus in misery
i was really freaking miserable on that day


IZZUDDIN on January 26, 2010 at 3:00 AM said...

If you Believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech for views you don't like. - Noam Chomsky.

Pendapat saya, jika kebebasan bersuara, kebebasan berhimpun, kebebasan menulis, dll perlu dikawal, ia harus tidak dikawal oleh politician. Kalau ia dikawal oleh politician atau parti politik, objektifnya, motifnya, dan orientasinya akan lain.

Seharusnya ia dikawal oleh satu badan yang betul2 bebas. Macam di Indonesia, Akhbar disana bukan dikawal oleh parti politik, tetapi dikawal oleh organisasi media. Organisasi ini akan mengawal etika penulisan akhbar.

Unknown on January 28, 2010 at 2:18 AM said...

humm. btol2. akhbar2 xsptotnya dpunyai o parti2 politik. pndgnnya sudah berat sebelah.
tp rsnye tu semua dah xmenjadi mslh sbb skrg nie bkn mainstream media je yg org baca.
media bru pon dah ramai pengikutnya.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Simposium Media & Perpaduan

supertired !!
just got back from KL
arrived at USM at 2 in the morning
i have lab this morning somewhere around 9AM
but don't feel like sleeping
went to a seminar at Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Simposium Media & Perpaduan aka Media & Unity Symposium
it's a one day seminar attended by students from other institutions and government officers from various sectors esp the media 
the seminar was largely focused on the freedom of speech and information
humm, the debate whether or not malaysians should be given complete freedom of speech has been going on for quite a while now
to me, i don't think we are ready for it
to be given complete freedom of speech is something kinda heavy
imagine if the citizens have the freedom to write and say anything they want without considering the feelings of others?
chaos perhaps??
definitely chaos
we lived in a diverse population
comprised of people from different skin colors, religions, race, etc.
yes, the public deserves the right to be accurately informed and they are entitled to their own opinions
but sensitive remarks can cause more than chaos
take the recent issue regarding the Kalimah Allah
people are throwing petrol bombs at one another now
imagine if the freedom of speech is given completely?
i think petrol bombs will be the least that could happen
far greater and devastating incidents will occur
there will always be fundamentalists
every religions have their own fundamentalist or fanatics should i say whether they want it or not
not just religions, even races
we are living in a brave new world
people have change from one generation to the next
their mindsets no longer remains the same


oh, on Sunday when we were on our way to KL
our bus broke down
for 4hours we waited for the next bus in misery
i was really freaking miserable on that day

2 comments on "Simposium Media & Perpaduan"

IZZUDDIN on January 26, 2010 at 3:00 AM said...

If you Believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech for views you don't like. - Noam Chomsky.

Pendapat saya, jika kebebasan bersuara, kebebasan berhimpun, kebebasan menulis, dll perlu dikawal, ia harus tidak dikawal oleh politician. Kalau ia dikawal oleh politician atau parti politik, objektifnya, motifnya, dan orientasinya akan lain.

Seharusnya ia dikawal oleh satu badan yang betul2 bebas. Macam di Indonesia, Akhbar disana bukan dikawal oleh parti politik, tetapi dikawal oleh organisasi media. Organisasi ini akan mengawal etika penulisan akhbar.

Unknown on January 28, 2010 at 2:18 AM said...

humm. btol2. akhbar2 xsptotnya dpunyai o parti2 politik. pndgnnya sudah berat sebelah.
tp rsnye tu semua dah xmenjadi mslh sbb skrg nie bkn mainstream media je yg org baca.
media bru pon dah ramai pengikutnya.


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