Tuesday, August 10, 2010

the holy month finally arrives

Posted by Unknown at 9:07 PM
it's fasting month people! time to lose some weight. or maybe gain some in my case. haha. well, my YPJ scholar's on their way. i'm just glad they have the wisdom to quickened the process after being harassed by my father and me through several annoying phone calls to the office. i had to wait for almost two friggin' months for my scholar. people should know that it is the beginning of semester where students really need those money to buy a list of should-be-read-for-every-class books and a bunch of other stupid stuff. and it's the sale of the year people! it would be such a waste to not do a little shopping when there are great bargains! in fact it would be a crime! for a girl at least it is.. =) 

have a nice Eid Mubarak friends and families and also strangers!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

the holy month finally arrives

it's fasting month people! time to lose some weight. or maybe gain some in my case. haha. well, my YPJ scholar's on their way. i'm just glad they have the wisdom to quickened the process after being harassed by my father and me through several annoying phone calls to the office. i had to wait for almost two friggin' months for my scholar. people should know that it is the beginning of semester where students really need those money to buy a list of should-be-read-for-every-class books and a bunch of other stupid stuff. and it's the sale of the year people! it would be such a waste to not do a little shopping when there are great bargains! in fact it would be a crime! for a girl at least it is.. =) 

have a nice Eid Mubarak friends and families and also strangers!

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