Sunday, November 22, 2009

phobia ? don't think so..

Posted by Unknown at 5:30 AM

personally i like the movie
the first four films didn't really impress me
except maybe the third one titled

"B a c k p a c k e r s"

the hero was supercute!!

sadly he was shot in the face
by the japanese chick
seriously it was a dumb move killing him when you're running away from zombies

i was like
"aaawwww... comelnye die.. sgt2 comel !!"


but the last movie titled
"In The End.."
was fucking funny !! haha
it was twisted in a way that made the entire cinema laughed their head off !!


geeez... thai's actors are cute

the movie's not that scary
but it'll do
i still scream at parts
it's enjoyable... 



saRaHiyLiA on November 23, 2009 at 5:59 AM said...

ayooo kakak~ ltak la cbox..xde tmpt nk ltak comment xbrkaitan loo~

haha ur blog become more girly nowadays..xdpt trime hakikat ak~ haha

Unknown on November 23, 2009 at 6:13 AM said...

malasla nk chatbox.. huhu
tempek je komen kau kat mane2..

yeke ?
tunggu thn depan!!
lg dahsyat kot transformasi aku..

Sunday, November 22, 2009

phobia ? don't think so..

personally i like the movie
the first four films didn't really impress me
except maybe the third one titled

"B a c k p a c k e r s"

the hero was supercute!!

sadly he was shot in the face
by the japanese chick
seriously it was a dumb move killing him when you're running away from zombies

i was like
"aaawwww... comelnye die.. sgt2 comel !!"


but the last movie titled
"In The End.."
was fucking funny !! haha
it was twisted in a way that made the entire cinema laughed their head off !!


geeez... thai's actors are cute

the movie's not that scary
but it'll do
i still scream at parts
it's enjoyable... 


2 comments on "phobia ? don't think so.."

saRaHiyLiA on November 23, 2009 at 5:59 AM said...

ayooo kakak~ ltak la cbox..xde tmpt nk ltak comment xbrkaitan loo~

haha ur blog become more girly nowadays..xdpt trime hakikat ak~ haha

Unknown on November 23, 2009 at 6:13 AM said...

malasla nk chatbox.. huhu
tempek je komen kau kat mane2..

yeke ?
tunggu thn depan!!
lg dahsyat kot transformasi aku..


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