Wednesday, November 25, 2009

there is never a dull moment with books

Posted by Unknown at 10:01 PM
well, i'm currently reading New Moon for the second time

the movie's coming out today at the local cinemas
of course i can't watch it
at least not until this upcoming sunday
esok hari raya aidiladha
xkan nk pegi tgok wayang kot

i'm reading the book again because the last time i read it was a year ago
so i don't really remember all the details
i need to remember them before i go watch it at the cinema
i like the twilight saga
at least  know i like the book
i'm not so sure about the movie though
because i was extremely disappointed with twilight
it left out all the major details which i personally think were crucial to the series
i'm hoping that new moon will not suffer the same fate as twilight 
twilight may have reached the box-office
but not mine....

 finish half the book yesterday
my goal for today is to finish the other half 
only then i can move on to another book

i found a book that really caught me
it's a diary of a fourteen year-old Jewish girl
it contains the daily account of the horrors during the Holocaust before she was gassed to death
it's the diary of a girl named Rutka Laskier
she was dubbed as the polish version of Anne Frank


after i'm finish with new moon
i'm gonna go on a book-hunting
help me out here!!
i seriously wanna read this book!!

P/S :
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha everyone !!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

there is never a dull moment with books

well, i'm currently reading New Moon for the second time

the movie's coming out today at the local cinemas
of course i can't watch it
at least not until this upcoming sunday
esok hari raya aidiladha
xkan nk pegi tgok wayang kot

i'm reading the book again because the last time i read it was a year ago
so i don't really remember all the details
i need to remember them before i go watch it at the cinema
i like the twilight saga
at least  know i like the book
i'm not so sure about the movie though
because i was extremely disappointed with twilight
it left out all the major details which i personally think were crucial to the series
i'm hoping that new moon will not suffer the same fate as twilight 
twilight may have reached the box-office
but not mine....

 finish half the book yesterday
my goal for today is to finish the other half 
only then i can move on to another book

i found a book that really caught me
it's a diary of a fourteen year-old Jewish girl
it contains the daily account of the horrors during the Holocaust before she was gassed to death
it's the diary of a girl named Rutka Laskier
she was dubbed as the polish version of Anne Frank


after i'm finish with new moon
i'm gonna go on a book-hunting
help me out here!!
i seriously wanna read this book!!

P/S :
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha everyone !!

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