Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years since...

Posted by Unknown at 8:41 AM
8 years ago.. i was 12 years old and knows nothing. as a 12 year old, nobody expects you to understand things but 9/11 affect us more than we know. maybe not us malaysian youngsters but the american youngsters labeled as the children of9/11. 
ever since 9/11, a backpack at the airport is no longer a backpack, an arab-looking guy at an airport is no longer marked as a regular guy, muslims are branded as terrorist and the rest goes on.
i remembered coming home from school on sept 11 to find both my parents glued to the television watching something which i thought was a movie at the time.
because what i saw didnt strike to me as the real thing.
i saw one tall building being hit by a plane and smokes were everywhere.
all of a sudden another building behind the one that was hit by the plane collapsed.
i asked my dad what movie was it.
he stared at me...
i guess he was thinking on how to explain it to a dumb 12 year old like me.
he said it wasnt a movie. 
it just happened.
in the united states.
2 planes hijacked and struck the two towers in new york causing both towers to collapsed and covered half of new york in smokes.
then another plane had hit the pentagon.
i didnt know what i felt at the time. 
but i think that day made everything real for every 12 year old even though we were still children.
it showed how dangerous the world that we lived in.
before that i know nothing..
i think i was born on the year when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.
but does it change people ?
did it wake us up ?
or is it just another subject in the history textbook ?
since 9/11, a lot of things have change
wars never end...
no one wins...
but someone died...
someone's brother, sister, daughter, mother, father...
we never know...
we never care...
when will we wake up ??


Remie Ramli @ Remie on September 11, 2009 at 7:53 PM said...

Wake me up when september ends..

Unknown on September 12, 2009 at 5:16 AM said...

lagu yang menyentuh hati..
best song ever by green day~

Anonymous said...

brilliant speech...
the Berlin wall is the bez part...
wat lirik lgu pon bez nih...haha

Anonymous said...

wars never end..
but then, u r a navy...
u, who r in the middle of the war...
anda punya agenda t'sndiri?
once more, well done with the speech...

Unknown on September 14, 2009 at 1:34 AM said...

anonymous>tq..but can i know who u r ?

sye berada di tengah peperangankah ??

sye tulis ape yg sye rase..
navy@x.. it doesnt make any difference~

IZZUDDIN on September 16, 2009 at 12:16 AM said...

Wan...!! saya datang...! Masuk navy tak semestinya nak pegi berperang..Wan mestilah ada reason dia sendiri kenapa dia masuk navy... Sama la juga orang belajar bagaimana nak buat bahan letupan, tak semestinya dia nak pergi berperang ataupun nak letupkan PWTC.. Jangan kecilkan pemikiran..

Unknown on September 16, 2009 at 8:58 AM said...

izzuddin>haha.. hang mcm org yg terjun dari langit pggl name aku.. haha... uikks.. ble mase plak agenda aku nk letupkn PWTC.. sye sayang malaysia... hehe... anyway tq2..

Friday, September 11, 2009

8 years since...

8 years ago.. i was 12 years old and knows nothing. as a 12 year old, nobody expects you to understand things but 9/11 affect us more than we know. maybe not us malaysian youngsters but the american youngsters labeled as the children of9/11. 
ever since 9/11, a backpack at the airport is no longer a backpack, an arab-looking guy at an airport is no longer marked as a regular guy, muslims are branded as terrorist and the rest goes on.
i remembered coming home from school on sept 11 to find both my parents glued to the television watching something which i thought was a movie at the time.
because what i saw didnt strike to me as the real thing.
i saw one tall building being hit by a plane and smokes were everywhere.
all of a sudden another building behind the one that was hit by the plane collapsed.
i asked my dad what movie was it.
he stared at me...
i guess he was thinking on how to explain it to a dumb 12 year old like me.
he said it wasnt a movie. 
it just happened.
in the united states.
2 planes hijacked and struck the two towers in new york causing both towers to collapsed and covered half of new york in smokes.
then another plane had hit the pentagon.
i didnt know what i felt at the time. 
but i think that day made everything real for every 12 year old even though we were still children.
it showed how dangerous the world that we lived in.
before that i know nothing..
i think i was born on the year when the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.
but does it change people ?
did it wake us up ?
or is it just another subject in the history textbook ?
since 9/11, a lot of things have change
wars never end...
no one wins...
but someone died...
someone's brother, sister, daughter, mother, father...
we never know...
we never care...
when will we wake up ??

7 comments on "8 years since..."

Remie Ramli @ Remie on September 11, 2009 at 7:53 PM said...

Wake me up when september ends..

Unknown on September 12, 2009 at 5:16 AM said...

lagu yang menyentuh hati..
best song ever by green day~

Anonymous said...

brilliant speech...
the Berlin wall is the bez part...
wat lirik lgu pon bez nih...haha

Anonymous said...

wars never end..
but then, u r a navy...
u, who r in the middle of the war...
anda punya agenda t'sndiri?
once more, well done with the speech...

Unknown on September 14, 2009 at 1:34 AM said...

anonymous>tq..but can i know who u r ?

sye berada di tengah peperangankah ??

sye tulis ape yg sye rase..
navy@x.. it doesnt make any difference~

IZZUDDIN on September 16, 2009 at 12:16 AM said...

Wan...!! saya datang...! Masuk navy tak semestinya nak pegi berperang..Wan mestilah ada reason dia sendiri kenapa dia masuk navy... Sama la juga orang belajar bagaimana nak buat bahan letupan, tak semestinya dia nak pergi berperang ataupun nak letupkan PWTC.. Jangan kecilkan pemikiran..

Unknown on September 16, 2009 at 8:58 AM said...

izzuddin>haha.. hang mcm org yg terjun dari langit pggl name aku.. haha... uikks.. ble mase plak agenda aku nk letupkn PWTC.. sye sayang malaysia... hehe... anyway tq2..


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