Monday, December 14, 2009

Parliament Seminar @ Royale Chulan Hotel

Posted by Unknown at 11:11 PM
it was a one day seminar on ways to strengthen the parliament institution in conjunction with it's 50th year celebration.
the seminar was held on the 6th of December.
the panels were interesting enough that i didn't fall asleep.

the panels were Datuk Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi, Emeritus Professor of Law UiTM
Professor Dr. Ahmad Atory Bin Hussain from School of Social Sciences, USM (my school of course)
Associate Professor Dr. Joseph M. Fernando from Faculty of Arts and Sciences, UM
Members of the Parliament(MP)
YB Tuan Hj. Fadillah Yusof, Dep. Min. of MOSTI
Speaker of The House of Representatives
and the list goes on

the seminar was on sunday

the only reason i could think of why in the name of God the did it on that day is so that 
the MPs can come down since it's an off day
but it didn't exactly turn out that way
we were wishing for all the 222 MPs would participate that day..
or at least many of them
but no,
they didn't
wth right ?
they were soo little of them that we students from various universities outnumbered them
forget it..

the speaker said some things about certain MPs that instead of motioning their agenda to the conference, they put it on their blogs.
he recalled an article 'another black day in the parliament'
well, i know nothing of this of course
i like it when he said a phrase that goes like this:
"kalau boleh tembak satu bullet, knp perlu tembak satu magazine"
  and the entire hall burst out laughing
there's also a topic on the safety of the parliament and gender inequality
how there are so little women that served in the parliament
maybe women do not like to dwell in the world of politics

other things i get out of this seminars
there are still MPs that invoked racial and religious issues just to get attention
it's because they are bankrupt of ideas and knowledge according to a very important figure in our country. haha
we observe our politicians through the media streams.
we have been given much entertainment by them through the way they behave.
to most people they're entertainment!
how disturbing!

the goal is to make Malaysian Parliament a world-class parliament
well, it still is a long way to go
you've seen it in the news
how simple topics can turn the parliament conference into a complete chaos
how they could fight over issues and seemed childish in national television
maybe they should work on that first and act like mature people
but we're lucky that our parliament 
don't have people shooting at each other or throwing things at one another




IZZUDDIN on December 15, 2009 at 2:53 AM said...

Adnan ajak juga aku join seminar ni. Tapi aku tak minat sangat. Tapi aku minat dengan penalis tu. Shad Saleem Faruqi tu penah datang SK buat talk tentang krisis di perak. Atory Hussein walaupun lecturer SK, tapi aku tak pernah nampak dia. hahaha..

Unknown on December 15, 2009 at 3:19 AM said...

prof saleem faruqi bg speech dlm english..
n it was academic..
more like a lecture..
xramai pon yg mendengar..
mungkin sbb bosan...
atau xfaham..
btol.. mse seminar tula bru nmpk prof atory hussain...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Parliament Seminar @ Royale Chulan Hotel

it was a one day seminar on ways to strengthen the parliament institution in conjunction with it's 50th year celebration.
the seminar was held on the 6th of December.
the panels were interesting enough that i didn't fall asleep.

the panels were Datuk Dr. Shad Saleem Faruqi, Emeritus Professor of Law UiTM
Professor Dr. Ahmad Atory Bin Hussain from School of Social Sciences, USM (my school of course)
Associate Professor Dr. Joseph M. Fernando from Faculty of Arts and Sciences, UM
Members of the Parliament(MP)
YB Tuan Hj. Fadillah Yusof, Dep. Min. of MOSTI
Speaker of The House of Representatives
and the list goes on

the seminar was on sunday

the only reason i could think of why in the name of God the did it on that day is so that 
the MPs can come down since it's an off day
but it didn't exactly turn out that way
we were wishing for all the 222 MPs would participate that day..
or at least many of them
but no,
they didn't
wth right ?
they were soo little of them that we students from various universities outnumbered them
forget it..

the speaker said some things about certain MPs that instead of motioning their agenda to the conference, they put it on their blogs.
he recalled an article 'another black day in the parliament'
well, i know nothing of this of course
i like it when he said a phrase that goes like this:
"kalau boleh tembak satu bullet, knp perlu tembak satu magazine"
  and the entire hall burst out laughing
there's also a topic on the safety of the parliament and gender inequality
how there are so little women that served in the parliament
maybe women do not like to dwell in the world of politics

other things i get out of this seminars
there are still MPs that invoked racial and religious issues just to get attention
it's because they are bankrupt of ideas and knowledge according to a very important figure in our country. haha
we observe our politicians through the media streams.
we have been given much entertainment by them through the way they behave.
to most people they're entertainment!
how disturbing!

the goal is to make Malaysian Parliament a world-class parliament
well, it still is a long way to go
you've seen it in the news
how simple topics can turn the parliament conference into a complete chaos
how they could fight over issues and seemed childish in national television
maybe they should work on that first and act like mature people
but we're lucky that our parliament 
don't have people shooting at each other or throwing things at one another



2 comments on "Parliament Seminar @ Royale Chulan Hotel"

IZZUDDIN on December 15, 2009 at 2:53 AM said...

Adnan ajak juga aku join seminar ni. Tapi aku tak minat sangat. Tapi aku minat dengan penalis tu. Shad Saleem Faruqi tu penah datang SK buat talk tentang krisis di perak. Atory Hussein walaupun lecturer SK, tapi aku tak pernah nampak dia. hahaha..

Unknown on December 15, 2009 at 3:19 AM said...

prof saleem faruqi bg speech dlm english..
n it was academic..
more like a lecture..
xramai pon yg mendengar..
mungkin sbb bosan...
atau xfaham..
btol.. mse seminar tula bru nmpk prof atory hussain...


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